11 How to Treat Thrush Quickly and Effectively Natural

Thrush or in medical terms better known as (stomatitis aftosa) is an abnormality that occurs in the mucous membrane of the mouth in the form of wounds in the mouth of a yellowish-white spots with a slightly concave surface.

Thrush can be very painful and can disrupt the activities of the sufferers, especially when chewing and swallowing food.

Then how to treat it? Before we find out how to cope with canker sores let us find out first what the cause!

Step 1 - Finding the Cause of Canker Sores

Thrush was not something that happened by chance, there must be things that cause it for example:
Thrush can occur due to lack of nutrients such as Vitamin B 12, Vitamin C can cause canker sores and iron.

In general, canker sores can also occur because the mouth is bitten may be at the time you eat or when you chat. Or it could be because you eat while chatting

Too much to eat hot / spicy foods such as eating spicy chips, spicy vegetables, fried foods, chilli and so on.

In addition, canker sores can also be caused by the use of a health product that is incompatible with us, such as using an unsuitable toothpaste or consuming a drug that does not fit our mouth.

Thrush can also be caused by oral hygiene that is not awake, such as rarely brush your teeth, rarely drink and so on. Moreover, always forget to clean the mouth when you want to sleep.

Or it could be, the cause of your thrush is because of the temperature around you or where you live now.
To know more details about what causes the canker sores you feel right now, you can recall what you did a week ago / in the previous days. Once the cause is found, now we move on to the next step.

Step 2 - Stop doing things that can cause canker sores

As we discussed above, there are some things that can cause canker sores to happen for example if your canker sores are caused by eating too much spicy food, then stop eating the food.

If canker sores are caused by a deficiency of vitamin C, then take your vitamin C intake for example by eating fruits and so on.

If the cause of canker sores is due to the cleanliness of the mouth is not awake, then be diligent to clean the mouth.

Step 3 - Steps Eliminate pain and Treatment Sprue

There are several steps you can do to relieve pain and treat canker sores, such as the following:

1. Use Paracetamol or Mefenamat Drugs
To relieve the pain of thrush you can use mouthwash or medicine to drink.

For drugs taken, you can use paracetamol or mefenamic acid, but remember, always note the dose as well.

2. Salt Paste and Baking Soda
In addition you can also make your own home-made medicine, how to make pasta made from salt and baking soda.

The way is easy, we just need to mix the salt with backing soda and add a little water. After that apply on sores and wait for about 10 minutes, then wash with water.

3. Coconut Water
Believe it or not, coconut water is known for cooling down to soothe the digestive system. In addition to good to overcome dehydration, coconut water is also good for treating canker sores.

4. Bananas and Honey
You can make pasta from bananas and honey. The way you puree the banana fruit with a spoon or blender. After that mix with honey. Selanjuntnya you apply on ulcers (ulcers wounds). It serves to prevent inflammation.

5. Guava Leaves
Guava leaves also have many benefits, in addition to treating abdominal pain, can also treat canker sores. How to chew some guava leaves then gargle.

6. Yogurt
Eating yogurt can keep the balance of bacteria in the mouth and body. That way you can accelerate the healing process of your sprue. In addition you also have to do the prevention of canker sores.

7. Take Vitamins
Drink vitamin B, vitamin C, iron and folic acid which also play a role in preventing and healing ulcers wounds. This is the goal to meet the need for these vitamins.

8. Consumption of Fruits
For example you can eat tomatoes, oranges and other fruits, the benefits are to meet your vitamin C needs.

9. Garlic and Papaya
You can also use onions or papaya to heal thrush, how to attach directly to the wound sprue.

10. Coconut Oil and Honey
Coconut oil is anti-bacterial, you can mencapurnya with honey to then applied to the wound ulcer. You should do this step every time you want to sleep.

11. Turmeric
Turmeric is indeed a super plant, but can be used as spices or ripe bamboo, turmeric is also often used as a remedy to cure diseases of the stomach or digestive tract.

In addition, turmeric can actually be used to cure sprue, how to make a paste from turmeric.

The steps are quite easy, wash the turmeric, then puree and mix turmeric with a teaspoon of glycerin by pounding or blending. Next you apply on the wound ulcer.

The above tips are mostly tips to cure canker sores in the traditional way. While traditional tips usually use natural ingredients.

Usually something natural needs to be processed. So you will not instantly heal immediately after trying the tips above, because this is not magic hehe.

If after trying the tips above canker sores you have not also recovered immediately check to the nearest doctor.

Thus 11 Ways to Treat Sprue Quickly Exactly and Effectively Natural that hopefully can be a solution for you when you experience canker sores. We are sorry if there are still many shortcomings in terms of delivery of the above info. Thank you