How To Treat Minus Eyes With Betel Leaf

How To Treat Minus Eyes With Betel Leaf | Having a healthy eye is certainly a coveted thing for everyone, including me.

But sometimes, it's hard to get especially for people like me who spend most of their time in front of the screen / computer.

As a result will cause damage to the eyes slowly. For example the eyes become myopic and can not see a object / object clearly especially the distance is quite far.

How to overcome the eye minus or farsightedness can be difficult, even many people who prefer to give up and use glasses.

Though the disease can still be treated by medical means but unfortunately not everyone has a lot of money for the cost.

Therefore, now I want to share tips on how to reduce and cure eye minus in the traditional way that is by using betel leaf.

But before that, we will discuss the symptoms of minus eyes.

Myopia (the medical term for nearsightedness) is a condition in which the eye is able to see objects that are close to clear, but can not see objects with distant distances clearly / farsighted. The word "myopia" itself comes from the Greek word meaning "narrow matta". Usually this myopia sufferers always squint to be able to see an object that is located far enough. To find out the main cause of minus eye disease (myopia), you can read the previous article about | Main Causes of Minus Eyes / Myopia.

Dewi Safitri [one of the eye therapist with betel leaf therapies] argues that, one of the hallmarks of myopia development is a disorder that continues to develop until adolescence, then decreases in young adulthood.

Although somewhat rare, myopia can also be caused by changes in curvature of the cornea / by deformation of the eyepiece.

Usually, myopia occurs because of the elongation of the axis of the eyeball, and causes the eyes to be round like eggs.

As a result the eye becomes difficult to focus the light beam that leads to the eye. Along with the elongation on the axis of the eyeball, the degree of minus eye also increases.

The greater the degree of myopia will increasingly require glasses that the more weight the degree of strength.

Therefore, for patients aged between 20-40 years is very disanrankan to perform eye health checks every 6 months.

A. Symptoms of Minus Eye (Miopa)

To recognize whether your eyes have any myopia abnormalities, you can tell from the following symptoms:

Miopia (minus eye) is caused by the axis of the eye is too convex, which resulted in the shadow of an object or object falling just in front of the retina.

As a result, objects that are located far enough not visible to the eye. Well, if so should you start wearing glasses, because if not, this myopia sufferers will experience headaches and eyes.

In addition, usually the head will feel pain and throbbing especially the front, the eyeball becomes sore, like going out and the tears will melt in excess.

To fix this, you should stop the activity first and take the time to rest your eyes so as not too tired.

B. How To Treat Minus Eyes With Betel Leaf Therapy

We already know what is the eye minus / myopia and what are the symptoms that arise because of myopia.

Now we will discuss tips on how to reduce or even cure the eye minus / farsighted eyes using betel leaves.

As information, the benefits of betel leaf not only to cure myopia. This herbal plant also has many other health benefits such as:
  • Overcoming bad breath
  • Eliminate Body Odor
  • Overcoming leucorrhoea
How to use betel leaf as a medication herbal eye minus you can see below:

1. Tools and Materials:
  • 2 Betel leaf sheets
  • 4 plaster
  • water
2. Steps:
  • First you wash / clean your face
  • Then, wash both pieces of betel leaf with water
  • After that stick the betel leaf on your eyes with both emnggunakan plaster
  • Do the above routine every time you sleep, and let the betel leaves stick to your eyes overnight. And you can remove the betel leaf the next day.