A Miracle Herb: This Woman Was 72 Kg On Thursday, And Went Down To 67 Kg By Saturday

Even though many think that this parsley is only a spice that you use in the preparation of soups and stews, you must know that parsley is much more than that. Namely you must know that parsley is a very powerful diuretic which works great against urinary tract infections and other problems such as kidney diseases.

That is why here in this article we will show you the recipe for this amazing parsley tea which is extremely popular in the Balkans. Here is what you need for the preparation of this tea.

Necessary ingredients:

5 tablespoons of chopped parsley
1 l. water


In order to prepare this tea, all you need to do is put the chopped parsley into a liter of boiling water. Now leave the tea to stay like that for about 20 minutes and then strain it. And your tea is ready.

At this point you need to know that parsley is a very powerful diuretic and an antioxidant. Parsley can stimulate water disposal from the body, which is an extremely important process for elimination of toxins, bacteria and harmful substances along with the water.


Even though parsley is very beneficial for your body, you must consume it in limited amounts. You are allowed to drink one liter of parsley tea a day.

Now enjoy this tea and make sure that you share this article with your friends and family.