Never Buy Cough Syrup Again: Simple Pineapple Mixture Is 5 Times More Effective And Fights Inflammation!

When experiencing flu or some inflammation, people tend to use numerous spills and syrups.A recent study proved that pineapple juice has potent anti-inflammatory properties and contains Bromelain, an enzyme which can destroy bacteria and cure the infections.

Pineapple juice can significantly boost the energy and the metabolism due to its abundance of vitamin C and essential enzymes. It is packed with manganese which has the ability to strengthen your bones, absorb calcium and regulate your nerves.

For example, Bromelain was used in a surgery in Germany for a strong inflammatory attack. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent and can be extremely beneficial in treating arthritis.

So, instead of using those remedies which are expensive and can cause some side-effects, you can use pineapple juice which does not contain any toxins and is completely safe. It can provide amazing benefits for healing a sore throat and expelling mucous.

According to a 2010 study, the mixture of pineapple juice, pepper, honey, and salt proved to be significantly effective in treating infection diseases caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The study also showed that the recovering of the patients will be faster if they consume a raw extract of pineapple.

However, the natural pineapple juice is the best alternative for you, so make sure to avoid sweetened juices! So, prepare your own pineapple juice and enjoy its benefits!


Needed Ingredients:

1 cup of fresh pineapple juice
¼ cup of fresh lemon juice
1 three-inched piece of ginger
½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper
1 tablespoon of honey


Mix all the ingredients and consume ¼ cup of this remedy 2-3 times a day!