Foods That Fight Diabetes 1 Onset

The autoimmune diabetes 1 is when immune cells are autoreactive T cells and they attack insulin making cells, hormone for blood sugar regulation.

The special CSIRO made diet together with Monah University experts and they said many foods like veggies and fruits even resist digestion and pass in the colon and bowels, then they are broken down from microbiota gut bacteria. This fermentation process makes acetate and butyrate that mixed make safety against diabetes 1.

The western diet damages microflora in the gut and makes short chain fat acids, said Dr. Eliana Marino.

She said their study said having a diet for gut bacteria and making high levels acetate/butyrate makes better gut lining and removes inflammation added Marino.

This had a huge effect on the diabetes 1 she said. The results attracted attention from Congress of Immunology in Melbourne and results got published in Journal Nature Immunology too.

Prof. Charles Mackay lead expert said natural approaches like diets and gut bacteria can affect autoimmune issues like diabetes 1.

The results said a new era for human illness starts and with medicinal foods too.

Materials used are easily digested  and natural daily items and resistant starches.

These diets release good metabolites and are superfoods all the way, he added.

Mackay also said is not all about fibers and veggies, also special foods managed from nutrition or clinic experts.

They hope to have funds and research more on diabetes 1. Mackay and Marino with experts of Australia expand the search for obesity diets and inflammations like heart issues, asthma, diabetes 2, food allergy and IBD.

This got support from JDRF, Diabetes Australia research trust, Australian national health, Medical research council.

See the full article title named “Gut microbial metabolites limit frequency of autoimmune T-cells and protect against diabetes 1’. This got published in Nature Immunology.