The Best Natural Way to Clear Your Lungs of Nicotine And Tar

Smoking is one of the worst habits that you can have in your life. It is very unhealthy for your life because if you are a smoker your lungs are loaded with nicotine and tar. You should be very careful with both of them because they can cause diseases that can actually kill you. So try to quit smoking cause you will need some time to be ‘’repaired’’ cause people who quited a month ago have the same chance to get those diseases.

This article can be very helpful if you want to get rid of nicotine and tar in your lungs. So the most important and the hardest step is of course to quit smoking. This is the most important because if you continue to smoke, nicotine and tobacco smoke affect the lungs can be irreversible. Quit smoking as soon as possible is the first step.

The next step is to prepare this very effective remedy that will cleanse your lungs and belive it or not you will need just 3 simple ingredients to prepare it.


-400 g onion
-2 tsp turmeric
-ginger root(an inch piece)
-1l water
-400g sugar or honey


Boil the water and if you use sugar boil it with the water. If you use honey add it at the end.
Slice the onion and grate the ginger root. Then add both ingredients to the liquid. You will need to boil this mixture again, so when doing that stir in 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder and reduce the heat to low. Until it reduces by half simmer the liquid. So now remove it from the heat, strain your remedy and put the mixture in a jar. Now it needs to be cool completely and after that put the jar into the fridge.
Consume this remedy twice a day – first when you make up in the morning on a empty stomach and the second time should be after your dinner before going to bed. Each time take 2 tablespoons.

Health benefits

Since the ancient times ginger’s healing abilities have been used. This mighty spice provides range of health benefits, including the ability to eliminate mucus buildups.

It has anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-septic effect. And turmeric can clean the blood and can prevent inflammation.

Onion and garlic are like twins, they both provide strong anti-cancer abilities. They are commonly used in the treatment of malignant diseases. This vegetable can help you to deal with respiratory problems.