6 Traditional Medicines Gout and Rheumatism The Powerful

Traditional herbal medicine gout - Gout or that could be called Indonesian society as rheumatic diseases are often attacked someone at the age of 30 years and older. Gout disease generally attacks the muscles, joints and skeletal system in the surrounding area, even the disease can disrupt the body's immune system.

Symptoms of arthritis typically experience joint pain, also cause various sorts, such as trauma and can also be caused by an infection. To treat gout usually Indonesian society comes to alternative medicine or use traditional medicines more safely and naturally. It is already popular among the people of gout sufferers. As we know that the traditional herbal medicine healthier than chemical drugs. Here nitips.com jelaskn traditional medicine gout anything that can treat gout and rheumatism.

1. Leaf Soursop
content contained in soursop leaves are vitamin C and vitamin A with content that is high enough, so that it can remove toxins in the body, but it leaves also can meringan joint pain caused by gout, traditional medicine to treat gout is necessary you try. quite simple and easy way, which is as follows

2. Ginger
Spice native to Indonesia is already famous for his usefulness to treat the number of illnesses, one of which is to relieve the pain of arthritis caused by uric acid. Besides being able to expedite the respiratory and digestive systems, traditional herbal medicine is also able to relieve joint pain due to gout, because ginger can remove piles of uric acid by improving blood circulation. Consume enough ginger to serve soup or other means, the efficacy of ginger will feel if you consume it regularly.

3. Interest Roselle
To meredkan disebabakn joint pain gout, you can also take advantage of Roselle interest in traditional medicine. Rosella drugs contain many substances that are essential body such as essential protein, and vitamin C. In addition, this flower also contains the amino acid arginine and legnin are quite useful as rejuvenation in body cells. how to make it quite easy and can be made at home

Prepare 5 Rosella flower petals dried and washed
Then brewed using hot water as much as 200cc
Add honey as a sweetener
Rutinlah taking traditional ingredients are more or less for one month so that the properties were soon felt.

4. Celery
Celery is often used as a spice in cooking this turns out to contain a lot of properties, one of them to treat gout and rheumatism. Celery contains many substances that the body needs include chlorine, essential fatty acids, inositol, sulfur, folate, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, zinc. vitamin B1 and vitamin A. So that is powerful enough to overcome joint pain due to gout. how to make

Prepare as much as 2 grams of celery seeds that have been washed clean
Then boiled with 110 ml of water to boil for 15 minutes or
Strain the mixture, then drink the water as traditional medicine
The herb drink as much as 1 times a day
Also Read: Causes Gout And How To Treatment

5. Fruit cherries
Fruit cerries efficacious to treat gout, because the fruit contains a lot of magnesium, which is quite good to overcome arthritis. Besides being able to relieve pain, fruit cherries can also prevent inflammation due to potassium content. to alleviate gout using cerries fruit, you only need to consume 7 to 9 ceries fruit every day, many ways to consume, can be used as syrup previously boiled first. Traditional medicine uric acid is proven to relieve arthritis if you regularly consume each day.

6. The warm water therapy
Using warm water therapy is also believed to relieve the symptoms of arthritis, with traditional therapy is pain in the joints will fade away, it is because the warm water can make you relax and quiet other than that this therapy can facilitate the circulation of blood clot. The trick is very simple, Simply soak the arthritic body part in warm water in a few minutes

That's some kind of traditional medicine gout fairly easy to make at home, as pengobtan gout, drink the potion on a regular basis so that the results can be felt quickly. May be useful for treatment of gout you.