How To Quickly Lowering High Cholesterol Naturally!

A quick way to lower cholesterol you can get easily through discussion in this article. Not a few people who died as a result of the threat of high cholesterol in the blood. What does it mean cholesterol? Cholesterol is a metabolite which has a fat content of sterols can be found in the cell membranes.

Actually, cholesterol itself is required by the body to build cell walls, and also plays a role in making hormones. However, the problem is so cholesterol levels that exceed normal limits can lead to various kinds of chronic diseases.

How To Quickly Lowering High Cholesterol

What causes a rise in blood cholesterol levels? Yes, someone with lifestyle and diet is not controlled can lead to high cholesterol levels in the blood. The most important factors that lead to high levels of cholesterol are foods that contain bad fats.

As we know, today many fast food selected most people to consume in between busy. Therefore, the consumption of fast food or foods containing saturated fat excess can cause high cholesterol in the blood. Then, is there a quick way to lower high cholesterol?

Quick Ways to Lower Cholesterol Naturally

Well, for those of you who may have high cholesterol levels in the body, before they cause a variety of chronic diseases undesirable, should do ways to lower high cholesterol levels in a natural way. The quick way to lower cholesterol naturally following:

1. Avocado

Who does not know this fruit that tastes delicious? Fruits are not only has a delicious flavor and delicious is also beneficial to reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the body. Avocado is a fruit that contain unsaturated fats that are good for the body.

2. Pomegranate

Not only avocado, red pomegranate fruit can you eat to help lower cholesterol naturally. In addition, pomegranate can help reduce arterial plaque by increasing nitric oxide in the body.

3. Consume vegetables

How to lower cholesterol naturally next is to increase the consumption of vegetables. Vegetables contain fiber and antioxidants that are good for the body. Antioxidants contained in vegetables in the form of beta-carotene, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and E. Antioxidants can counteract these free radicals that cause dangerous diseases in the body. Besides being able to lower high cholesterol levels, vegetables can also provide essential nutrients the body needs.

4. Oranges

Oranges contain vitamin C which is very high. Vitamin C as an antioxidant is able to prevent free radicals into the body. Not only that, to consume as much as 3 cups of orange juice a day can increase HDL levels up to 21 mg within 1 month.

5. Regular Exercise

To lower cholesterol levels, then we have to lose weight first by burning fat or calories in the body. The most effective and cost is by doing regular exercise at least 3 times a week. With exercise, you can reduce the levels of bad fats in the body.

6. Avoid Foods Contain High Cholesterol

To lower cholesterol in the blood, we should minimize foods that contain high cholesterol, such as fried foods, meat offal, squid, quail eggs, shellfish, butter, crab, and so forth. You are also advised not to consume fast food or junk food.

Well, that's 6 how to quickly reduce blood cholesterol effectively and easily. From now on, care of your body with a healthy lifestyle!