In this article today we are going to present you several homemade remedies that are going to improve the function of your kidneys.
This amazing juice is abundant with antioxidants and nutrients that make it extremely efficient for the elimination of toxins from the body. We advise you to consume these vegetables: parsley, spinach, carrot, celery, cucumber, lettuce, kale, and zucchini. When it comes to fruit, it’s recommended to consume more oranges, peaches, pineapples, apples and pears. Simply mix all the ingredients in a blender and consume the potion fresh, just after the preparation.
Below we have several suggestions for recipes that are going to help you clean your kidneys and purify your body:
Ingredients Needed:
Organic apple cider vinegar
Fresh lemons
Purified water
Preparation and Usage:
Mix well all the ingredients in a juicer. Drink this healthy juice in a period of 4 days in order to cleanse your body and kidneys from the accumulated toxins.
Cranberry juice can reduce the calcium phosphate. The doctors explain that excess calcium oxalate in the body is the thing that is responsible for the formation of kidney stones. Moreover, cranberry
juice is going to prevent renal infections. For the preparation of this juice, we advise you to use organic cranberries they are free of sugar, artificial and preserving flavors.
With the consummation of lemon juice you are going to increase the levels of citrate in the urine and on that way, you will avoid the formation of kidney stones. We suggest you squeeze 4–5 lemons and mix the juice with 1 liter of cold water. If you prefer to drink a warm beverage, squeeze 1 lemon in 8 oz. of warm water. Drink the lemonade after you wake up in the morning, right before breakfast.
Thanks to the high content of potassium, beets are very beneficial against hypertension, and also have the ability to eliminate the toxins and the uric acid. In addition to that, the beets contain betaine, a phytochemical which possesses antioxidant properties. This juice is mostly useful because it has the ability to clean the accumulation of calcium phosphate and struvite from the kidneys.