Having clean, healthy, and radiant skin is the dream of everyone, especially women. There are so many disorders on the face that can reduce the aura of beauty of a woman, such as pimples, blackheads, and black spots.
One form of problem on the face that is difficult to overcome is the problem of blackheads. So it is necessary to know the types of blackheads in order to make the right handling which when will overcome the blackheads.
Many women complain about facial problems associated with these blackheads. In addition to disturbing the appearance, blackheads that accumulate in the face also indicates someone who is less clever in maintaining the cleanliness of his face.
After knowing the types of blackheads, knowing the cause of the emergence of blackheads is also an important thing to know, given the frequent blackheads reappear after being cleaned.
There are two types of blackheads on the face, blackheads (blackheads) and whiteheads (whiteheads). Although almost the same, these two blackheads have different characteristics as well as how to eliminate them.
Types of Blackheads and How to Prevent It
1. Blackheads (Blackheads)
Of the types of blackheads that exist, the first is blackheads or blackheads are often called. Blackheads is an open comedo type and there is no epithelial skin tissue covering it.
Open blackheads are formed from clumps of sebum mixed with dead skin cells, dust, dirt, bacteria, and salt contained in sweat.
The blackheads were originally white, but due to oxidation the color changed to black. The black color that exists in blackheads is due to the oxidation process between oxygen and pigment present in facial skin called melanin.
The characteristics of blackheads, which distinguish blackheads with blackheads is the color. Whiteheads will still have a white color because they do not experience the oxidation process. The area of the face that often there are black blackheads is on the forehead, chin, and nose.
This blackhead is a kind of comedo that is easy to remove, because it is not covered by epithelial skin tissue. However, that makes you have to be alert is the presence of inflammation when removing blackheads to cause more serious problems on the face such as acne. Therefore it is necessary to be careful when trying to remove blackheads on the face.
2. Whiteheads (Whiteheads)
The types of blackheads that there are not many because there are only two, after the above has been discussed about blackheads next is a white comedo or called whiteheads.
In contrast to black closed blackheads, these white comedones have characteristics that are covered or located under the epithelial tissue of the skin. This white comedone is formed by the presence of a sebum clot that looks like a white stain located inside the sebaceous lobule beneath the epithelial tissue of the skin.
The characteristics of these white comedones are when touched feels like there is a solid mass in the face. Usually this white blackheads appear on the face in a single form or can also be grouped in considerable amounts.
The area in the face that often there are white comedy that is the eyelids, cheekbones, and nose. However, this white blackheads can appear in any face. Due to the location of the white comedo under the epithelial tissue, these blackheads are difficult to remove.
Because removing these white comedones is very difficult, so you are not advised to eliminate them yourself if you do not have the skills that qualified. When you try to remove the white comedone itself, the possibility of greater inflammation, so it is feared to have more serious problems in the face.
The Cause of Black Blackheads on the Face
After knowing the types of blackheads, then it is important to know about the cause of blackheads on the face. Blackheads are originally white is formed because of the blockage in the skin pores by sebum.
Sebum itself is the oil on the face produced by the skin glands. In addition to blockage by sebum, the presence of blackheads is also caused by blockage by dead skin cells, dirt, bacteria, and also pollution.
Gradually, the dirt clogging part of the pores is pushed to the surface of the skin. Once on the surface of the skin, this dirt meets with oxygen so that there is an oxidation process that causes blackheads black.
Another factor that can trigger blackheads on the face is the condition of the body's hormones that are not stable, such as when you're menstruating, having pregnancy, and being puberty.
However, inappropriate cosmetics can actually cause problems on the face, for example white comedy appears.
Cosmetics that do not fit the skin type and have unclear raw materials can cause blackheads. When you use cosmetics that do not fit will cause the pores of the face to become closed and can not breathe.
Moreover, with cosmetics that contain oil, will accelerate the formation of various types of blackheads, one of which is a white comedo on the face.
How To Prevent The Incidence Of Blackheads
After knowing the types of blackheads and causes of its formation, the last is knowing how to prevent blackheads from appearing on the face. There are many healthy ways that can be done to prevent the occurrence of blackheads in the face. The way is to wash the face at least three times a day, often consume water and fruits, and multiply sports.