This Remedy is More Effective than Drugs and Chemotherapy

Combining baking soda, lemon, and water produces chemotherapy 10,000 times better and more effective than chemotherapy. Unfortunately, this fact remains a secret since it does not serve the interests of some major companies. Several studies show that lemons have anti-cancer properties strong enough to treat tumors and cyst. Tests on different types of cancerous cells prove that lemons can help in the treatment of cancer.

ecause of the potent microbial effects exhibited by the lemon fruit, it can be used to treat several fungal and bacterial infections. Using lemons also helps in the fight against internal parasites as well as regulation of blood pressure. The lemon fruit contains properties capable of reducing stress and calming nerve crises, which is significantly useful to the nervous system. Baking soda is quite effective in normalizing pH levels. As such, combining baking soda with lemon greatly enhances the potential capabilities of lemon fruit as a remedy for the health issues mentioned above.

According to the results of more than 20 lab experiments, lemon actually prevents the metastasis of cancerous cells. The tests also revealed that lemon fruit extract destroyed 12 different types of cancer cells. When compared to conventional medicine such as chemotherapy and Adriamycin, the lemon fruit was found to be about 10,000 more potent. Apart from destroying cancerous cells, it is also notable that the ingestion of lemon and baking soda has zero side effects. This combination bears no adverse effects on your healthy cells.

Continual experiments show that it would be beneficial for cancer patients to take lemon juice with one teaspoon of baking soda. However, patients should note that this type of treatment does not have the ability to cure the side effects of chemotherapy. The lemon fruit is more useful as a remedy if it is purely organic. Natural lemons are 100 times more active than those cultivated using fertilizers and treated with chemicals. Growing the fruit yourself is the best way to ensure it is entirely natural and contains no chemicals whatsoever.

In his book, Testimonies on Baking Soda, Dr. Sircus highlights the uses of sodium bicarbonate as a pain relieving remedy. He reveals that he once suffered a severe headache, relief of which he was unable to achieve regardless of the painkillers ingested.

However, he successfully cured the headache by simply taking a single teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) mixed with water. His relief was not instantaneous seeing as the pain gradually reduced over time. It was, however, completely cured within an hour.

As a result, Dr. Sircus takes a cup of sodium bicarbonate solution whenever he experiences pain. To his pleasant surprise, the results are always the same. Apart from being amazed by the potency sodium bicarbonate exhibits, Dr. Sircus regards baking soda as the best pain reliever he ever tried.

According to Dr. Sircus, this particular home remedy requires a maximum of two hours to cure pain effectively. He remembers that whenever his father, a veterinarian, had symptoms of the cold, he took warm water mixed with baking soda. It was the same remedy his father tried on him after he developed the cold as a young boy. He too had responded well to this treatment with the symptoms disappearing immediately.

With the help of a gastric tube, his father, the veterinarian, would also administer sodium bicarbonate to farm animals. Surprisingly, even the farm animals reacted positively to this treatment. Dr. Sircus bears relevant testimonies regarding the health benefits of baking soda tracing as far back as his childhood.

As you may well be aware, most conventional medicines for the treatment of cancer cause significant side effects. As such, the availability of an alternate remedy with no side effects offers considerable benefits to the overall health of quite a number. The potentially reduced costs, levels of pain, and elimination of side effects such as loss of hair make trying this home remedy worthwhile.

Disclaimer: All content on this website is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be a specific diagnosis or treatment plan for any individual situation. Use of this website and the information contained herein does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Always consult with your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of others.

Don’t Waste Money On Pedicures Anymore – With Just Two Kitchen Ingredients, Your Feet Will Look Better Than They Have In A Long Time!

Rough, cracked heels can be really unsightly, embarrassing and even painful. No one wants to experience this issue, especially in the summertime when we all wear sandals and flip flops the entire time.

But, we have a solution for you!

Forget about those foot care products which will cause you a fortune! We got for you an amazing remedy which you can prepare at your home.

It is really simple and easy and all you need are two ingredients which you probably have in your kitchen.

So, follow the instructions below:

Needed Ingredients:

  • 4 cups of milk
  • 3 tablespoons of baking powder


Heat the milk and pour it into a bowl appropriate for your foot size. Add the baking powder and mix well, but make sure that the temperature is comfortable.

Then, soak your feet for 10 minutes and relax. After finishing, rinse your feet with warm water and dry them. In order to get the best results, repeat this treatment on a daily basis.

Try this and you will be amazed by the results! It will improve the condition of your feet, making them more soft and smooth. Finally, you can wear your favorite sandals again!

Here Is How To Prevent Joint Pain And Gout At Home!

The uric acid crystallization can cause kidney failure, arthritis, gout and joint pain. It has the ability to trigger the joint pain if it isn’t handled by qualified doctor. The joint pain can become chronic if it isn’t treated well and the gout is already in the system. Then the gout will lead to joint inflammation and acute arthritis.

Gout is a metabolic disorder which is caused by excessive uric acid accumulation in the feet. It is followed by severe pain attacks and deposition of chalkstones. The non-proper metabolism of uric acid can cause swelling and stiffness.  Some people experience severe pain and swelling almost instantly. It is caused by overloading of uric acid which happens once the body fails to get rid of the waste properly. It sometimes occurs because of excessive uric acid production. Almost every person who experience gout struggles with high uric acid levels.

It is known as hyperuricemia and only a low percent of people with this issue may develop gout. Improper function of the kidneys involves unsuccessful uric acid elimination. This is when the crystallization takes place and the little crystals tend to accumulate around the joint and cause joint inflammation.

You can eliminate the uric acid in several ways and it will bring you many health benefits and improvement of the overall condition. Involve some lifestyle and dietary changes in your life and it will be the initial phase of the healing process. Increase the consumption of organic and fresh vegetables and fruits. Consume more sea food and lean meat. Avoid processed sugars, alcohol and food rich in saturated fats.

Increase the intake of water as it plays important role in eliminating toxins and water waste. Consume fruit infused water, sugar-free juices (natural) and herbal teas. Here are some of the best tonics in the case of gout:

-The baking soda is great candidate when it comes to getting rid of uric acid. Stir ½ tsp. of baking soda in cup of water and consume it on a daily basis. Add a whole tsp. if you’re dealing with sudden gout attack.

-The lemon water makes an alkaline environment and helps in the prevention of many health issues like gout. It affects the uric acid crystals creation. You can juice ½ of a lemon and add it to 20 milliliters of warm water and consume it every morning on an empty stomach.

-ACV (apple cider vinegar) has the same effects as the lemon water and it stimulates the uric acid elimination from the body. Just stir 1 tbs. of ACV to 200 milliliters of water and consume it before the meals. It is great for preventing and treating gout.

-The turmeric is high in curcumin and it provides great anti-inflammatory effect and has important role in the rental protection.

-The bromelain which is contained in pineapple gives anti-inflammatory boost and it provides analgesic effect.

-The flax seeds are loaded with great health benefits and they are amazing in the uric acid reduction.

Enjoy your life without stress because the stress affects the health. You can get this from implementing some physical activities and routines.

Drink This Drink For 5 Nights Before Bed and In 5 Days You Will Melt Your Abdominal Fat!

We will give you this drink that will give you very fast results with abdominal fat that is difficult to eliminate, it is advisable to take it for 5 days in a row every night before going to sleep.

This wonderful recipe has a particularity that will act at night while you sleep.

In addition to lowering abdominal fat, it will help you to be more relaxed and stress free as these are the main factors that prevent us from losing weight. At the moment of being asleep will allow you to stimulate your metabolism and burn calories in order to lose weight and burn that fat that no one likes.



-1 cucumber
-1 bunch parsley or cilantro
-1 tablespoon lemon juice
-1 tablespoon ground ginger
-1 tablespoon aloe vera gel (aloe vera)
-½ glass of water


Mix all the ingredients in the blender until a homogeneous mixture is left.

I recommend that you prepare each night before consuming it, it is important that the ingredients are fresh, as well as help you to eliminate abdominal fat very quickly.


Sleep: There is a relationship between sleep and metabolism that we must respect for our body to work properly, I recommend sleeping at least 6 and 8 hours a day.

Drinking green tea: Green tea contains antioxidants, in addition to recent studies indicate that it accelerates our metabolism, and in this way we lose weight.

Performing exercises: It is very important to stimulate muscles with exercises, in addition to helping to create muscle mass, it will also help you burn fat among many other benefits.

Do not Skip Breakfast : Aside from supplying energy to our body, it will also activate your metabolism to burn fat, it is important not to skip breakfast.

Drinking water: When you take the amount of water you need to improve digestion and burning calories. 90 ounces of water a day is normal for drinking.

Analyze what you eat: It is very important to select foods with characteristics to lose weight, that are low in calories and help to accelerate our metabolism.

Turmeric Can Prevent and Treat Over 600 Health Conditions Studies Show

There is a medicinal spice so timelessly interwoven with the origins of human culture and metabolism, so thoroughly supported by modern scientific inquiry, as to be unparalleled in its proven value to human health and well-being.

Indeed, turmeric turns the entire drug-based medical model on its head.  Instead of causing far more side effects than therapeutic ones, as is the case for most patented pharmaceutical medications, turmeric possesses hundreds of potential side benefits, having been empirically demonstrated to positively modulate over 160 different physiological pathways in the mammalian body.

While no food or herb is right for everyone, and everything has the potential for unintended, adverse side effects, turmeric is truly unique in its exceptionally high margin of safety vis-à-vis the drugs it has been compared with, e.g. hydrocortisone, ibuprofen, chemotherapy agents. Furthermore, nothing within the modern-day pharmaceutical armamentarium comes even remotely close to turmeric’s 6,000 year track record of safe use in Ayurvedic medicine.

Despite its vast potential for alleviating human suffering, turmeric will likely never receive the FDA stamp of approval, due to its lack of exclusivity, patentability and therefore profitability. Truth be told, the FDA’s “gold standard” for proving the value of a prospective medicinal substance betrays the age old aphorism: “he who owns the gold makes the rules,” and unless an investor is willing to risk losing the 800+ million dollars that must be spent upfront, the FDA-required multi-phased double-blind, randomized clinical trials will not occur. For additional details on this rather seedy arrangement read our article on the topic: Why The Law Forbids The Medicinal Use of Natural Substances.

Here at, we have reviewed over 5,000 study abstracts from the National Library of Medicine’s bibliographic database known as MEDLINE and have discovered over 600 potential health benefits of turmeric, and/or its primary polyphenol known as curcumin. These can be viewed on our turmeric research page which is dedicated to disseminating the research on the topic to a larger audience.

Some of the most amazing demonstrated properties include:

  • Destroying Multi-Drug Resistant Cancer
  • Destroying Cancer Stem Cells (arguably, the root of all cancer)
  • Protecting Against Radiation-Induced Damage
  • Reducing Unhealthy Levels of Inflammation
  • Protecting Against Heavy Metal Toxicity
  • Preventing and Reversing Alzheimer’s Disease Associated Pathologies
Again, what is so amazing is not that turmeric may have value in dozens of health conditions simultaneously, or that it may improve conditions that are completely resistant to conventional treatment, but that there are over six hundred additional health conditions it may also be valuable in preventing and/or treating. Consider also the fact that turmeric grows freely on the Earth, and you will understand why its very existence threatens billions of dollars in pharmaceutical industry revenue.


Many of us have vision problems. However, we need to be careful and avoid spending too much time in front of the screen. In addition, if your glasses or lenses are prescribed, then wear them regularly so your diopter will not grow any further.

 You can strengthen your eyes with foods that contain vitamin A, such as carrots. Vitamin A is important for the eyes and therefore, eat as much carrots as possible. Natural blueberry juice can help you, so use it.
In addition, there is another solution, which is aloe vera. Aloe Vera can help to correct vision or to prevent further growth of diopter. Aloe vera can help you with digestive problems, but also skin problems.

Here we will show you how to prepare a medication to help you improve your vision:


  • 4 lemons
  • 300 g of honey
  • 500 g of walnut
  • 100 ml of aloe vera (gel, juice)


Melt the lemon and mix with other ingredients in the blender. Store in a glass bottle in the refrigerator. Take one tablespoon 3 times a day. Consume it for a month, so take a break of 2 weeks. Repeat again


The presence of scars for some is a cultured hassle and attempts a million approaches and treatments to put off them.

Currently, there are numerous remedies, which includes cosmetic surgery to remove scars. But if you are among folks that opt for natural treatments, then we will offer you high-quality herbal remedy that is straightforward to prepare and offers a number of benefits.

In case you need to put off scars that make you experience uncomfortable, you want the following:

  • ¼ cup of coconut oil
  • ¼ olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 4 drops of herbal lavender oil


Upload the coconut oil into a pot, place on the range and turn on. While coconut oil is completely dissolved, add the remaining elements and stir with a timber spoon till you get a homogeneous mixture.

After that, turn off the heat and get rid of the pot to calm down absolutely. While this method is performed, put the combination inside the fridge for approximately 20 minutes.

It’s far very critical to keep this cream in a closed box. And that’s it; you’ve got your magic cream towards all styles of scars. All you need to do is to easy the affected area, observe directly to the scars or stretch marks.

You must follow this cream every day, morning and evening, to get the desired effects.

If you follow this cream daily without skipping a day, you’ll see how you will reap the favored outcomes in a quick time and ultimately scars will disappear.